Thursday, 18 April 2013

Performance group...

"We are going to sing Don't stop me now first" said Nicola.  I breathed a sigh of relief, we were going to sing a song, but that wasn't what I was relieved about.  It was that we were finally going to do something instead of waiting for Nicola to come back....

 Two hundred degrees, Thats why they call me mister fahrenheit;  a few minutes later we were singing our hearts out.  If I had a magic wand I would change myself into Nicola when she is teaching performance because I would be able to go on the keyboard.

See you after the holidays and until then, bon voyage!

Thursday, 11 April 2013


Dammit!  I groaned as I looked at the chess clock.  Pearl was beating me.  There was about one minute difference and Pearl had the upper hand.  I groaned again as Pearl took my bishop.  I obviously had missed that one.  I looked at my side of the chess clock.  Uh oh, I only had one minute left, otherwise Pearl would win by the chess clock.  But then I saw my chance!  Pearl had missed that her queen was in the path of my bishop.  "Got your queen" I said to Pearl.  But my moment of glory had only lasted a few seconds because I looked at the chess clock and I only had twenty seconds left.  I tried my hardest to go as fast as I could but in the end Pearl won by chess clock.

Till next time, au revoir.
