Thursday, 30 May 2013

Hurling up hotdogs

And he HURLED!!

We are doing monologues at Performance group for the next few weeks.  A monologue is like a character piece where the audience hear what the actor is thinking, and you have to learn it.  I chose one about the dangers of taking your parents to Disneyland.
Here is my favorite part;
I started to question him about the four hotdogs he had wolfed down while we were waiting in line... and then it happened... my dad HURLS!

Thats why you don't take your parents to Disneyland.

I agree, don't you?

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Flying into the sun

"So imagine you're leaving home and thanking your family, especially your mum and dad." Nicola said.

Like an eagle I will race above the clouds, I will spread my wings and fly into the suuunnnn.

"Good girls, now we're going to sing that again, but standing up.  Nicola said, after we had sung "Like an Eagle".

"Now we're going to sing "Don't stop me now" said Nicola,  and there are a few new actions that we are going to do...

That was a bit of our performance group time conversation.

Now I'm doing my blog post.

Blog you later!


Thursday, 16 May 2013

No Nicola today

Since Nicola wasn't here today, we girls in the performance group had to run Talent Development all by ourselves.
Just joking.  Ella-Rose took charge of the music and we did a run through once of all our songs.
We also got a new song and its called " Like an Eagle".  Its a bit slow and one or two girls said they didn't like it but I like slow songs. (sometimes)

Au revoir till next time!!!


PS Darryn and Katie are very proud of you all for working so well and so sensibly today!
From Darryn

Thursday, 9 May 2013

La la la laaa!!!!!!

We just finished singing Don't stop me now by Queen.

Next we are going to try the new song, Life on mars, said Nicola A.K.A.  The best performance teacher in the world.
After we finished singing, I thought, I don't like that song that much.  Hopefully I warm up to it.  

We sang another song which was luckily Oh my by Gin Wigmore.

See you next week!
