Sunday, 30 November 2014

Please excuse the wracking sobs.

It is time, my blog readers, to de-
(Please excuse my wracking sobs)
Time to depart.

Yes, it is my last day here in the big red building on Don St.  I am sad, yet excited, because I am starting a whole new adventure at Junior High.  We had a shared lunch today, and it struck me. I realised that I did not put up the pictures of my Ancestry costume. Here they are now:

It also struck me that I am getting older. I found this picture of my first day at Enrich@ILT.  There is also a photo of me today.

See the difference? No? Look harder.

I'd better go now.

Don't cry for me, blog readers!


Sunday, 9 November 2014

Who's coming to town?

"IS COMING, TO TOWWWWWWWWWWWWN" We all belted out as we finished the song.
Thats right, Performance is back!  Since Nicola is on leave, Ginny is now taking us. We are singing Santa Clause is coming to town, the Mariah Carey version.  If you click on the link, fast forward it to 39 seconds.

Better go and warm up the vocal chords. La la la La La LA LA LA

Here is the link;
Click Here!

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Goodbye Katie


I have finally finished my newspaper story! Oh, and I am not going to share it with you until the newspaper is published (Hee hee hee).

Anyway, today it is Katie's last day. :(  We are having a shared lunch, and we are guessing what the name, weight, gender and date the baby is going to be.
I'd better go,



Sunday, 19 October 2014

The Scoop...


Quick blog today as I have no time.  Okay, here's the scoop;

We have to post our term goal today so my goal is to.... make the most of my last 6 days at Enrich@ILT.  Thats right my friends, next year I am moving on and *tear* going to Junior High. 

Got to go, my blog readers...


Sunday, 14 September 2014

Promises Kept

I have not forgotten my promise from last week.



I have finally finished my presentation! My "Discovering your past" one, that is.
The only thing that I have to do is practice reading it out to an audience, and putting it in the order that I am going to read it out by.

Since I am going to practice with Kady, I need to skedaddle.

Au Revoir,


Sunday, 7 September 2014

I will not tell you....


Today I am doing a fast blog because I only have five minutes.  Okay, here's the scoop;

HEY! I just had an ultra awesome idea for the spring fling. It is.........   Wait a minute.  I cannot tell you, because people will steal my idea!  Can I just say that is is original (I think).  For food, I am going to bring.....   No, I will not tell you either, for the same reason.  But I can promise you something. Next week, when I do my blog, I will take a picture of me with my plate of food.

Gotta go,


Sunday, 24 August 2014

Lazy Sundays

Hello hello hello,

Today for newspaper........
Are you asleep yet?  If you are not, you should be, because that was the most boring blog start ever.
I am going to start again...

As Jenni called out my name, I listened hard. I didn't want to mess up my new newspaper article title.  As I listened closer I heard her say "Lazy Sunday Dinner Recipes".  I am very happy with the article that I have to do.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Silver pockets


I was sitting at my desk, with a laptop in front of me, staring into space.  You see, I was with the Newspaper staff in the Performance corner, figuring out what to write for the newspaper. Then inspiration struck.  The end result? Here it is:

Once every 823 years...  ©

Have you ever thought what it would be like to be alive during something that will only occur every 1000 years?  Or to be more specific, 823 years? Well, now you can see it for yourself, because this month there are five Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.  It is what the Chinese call “Silver Pockets full”. 

P.S I wrote this myself!

Blog ya later!


Sunday, 27 July 2014

Brownie points

Have you ever read through old newspapers?  Or been to the Information section in the Eve Poole Library in Invercargill? If you haven't, you absolutely must do at least one because they are both extremely interesting things to do. In fact, if you go to the Information centre AND read the newspaper you will get double brownie points!  I am waffling on about this because that is what the Enrich@ILT Newspaper staff did today!  I was really excited that we were going to the library but even more excited that we were going to the information centre, but even MORE excited that we were going to look through old newspapers.  Ok, it does sound a little boring, but I like that kind of stuff. I'd better go now, till next time fellow bloggers, ciao!Olivia


Sunday, 20 July 2014

What to write...

Have you ever typed up a family tree? Well, today for our Discovering Your Past session we started typing up our family tree. Paul showed us a new website that you sign up to and can create your own family tree.  I hope it is faster that making all of these shapes on Pages to connect together, because that is what I did once for a school project, and it took over an hour.  We are also going to release a 2014 edition of the Enrich@ILT newspaper. You had to get an invitation from Nicola, and I was one of the 30 throughout the week who got one!  I have no idea what to write, so I'd better do some research. 

Till next time fellow bloggers, toodle-oo!


Sunday, 15 June 2014


Did you know that this week is Gifted Awareness Week?  Well you do now!
Kady and I worked further on our passion project. We are very behind, which is my fault because I was sick last week and did not come.  We started filming and were almost finished until the camera ran out of juice (battery) on us. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!  I am really panicking now so I am going to do a small blog.
Reflection: If I had a magic wand I would make us have MORE TIME!
Remember it is:

Blog ya later!


Sunday, 25 May 2014

Britain's Got Talent

Today I went to a friendship and bullying workshop, hosted by Paul. We talked about what kinds of bullying there is, and how to stop it. We also talked about what qualities we want to see in a friend, and what a bully is. We also saw a video about two boys on Britain's Got Talent who added a rap to a song.  The rap was about anti - bullying.  Here it is.

*Bars and Melody:BGT - Hope

This is what I listed down:

What makes a good friend (in my eyes)...

Is kind
Has my back
Accepts me for who I am
Is funny
Is caring

What is bullying (in my eyes)...
Repeated behavior 
Talking behind someones back
Physical stuff e.g punching, kicking, biting and so on

Talk to you next week!


Sunday, 18 May 2014

Conceptual development - discovery


For our Conceptual development aspect this term we are going to be researching into our ancestry and our family tree! AND on top of all of that, in Term 3 we are going to have a Spring Fling, where we are going to dress up in our ancestors clothes.  Since my Mums Mum is from England and my Dads Dad is from Scotland, I do not know what to dress up in. I know that it is crazy planning something that far away, but I am really really really really really excited about this. Light bulb! I know what I could do, I could bring foods from BOTH countries.  My Nana makes really good short bread!
We are doing a presentation on our family history, like how they ended up in New Zealand, and our family tree

I have talked enough, time for me to go.


Sunday, 13 April 2014

Brains, Colours and Muscles

Have you ever tried to train your brain?

We did today.  Katie showed us a video about how your brain is like your muscles.
Confused?  Watch the video.

Seen it? Good. Now you will know what I am talking about. Did you find saying the word which was a different colour easy or hard?  What about saying the colour that the word was?  Easy or hard?  If you  have no idea what I am talking about, have a look at the puzzle below. If you do know what I am talking about, have a look anyway.

Say all the words. Not the colours that they are in.  Easy or hard?

Now say all of the words again, but this time say the colour that it is in. So, if the word was black, but it was in blue ink, you would say blue. Not black. Easy?  Hard?

Here is the website that has quite a few brain training games.

Give it a go.  

So long fellow bloggers,  and have a good holiday!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

A Quiz


Today we had to do a quiz to find out our Multiple Intelligences. That means we have to find out how we learn best.
My results are...

Linguistic: 83%
Logical/Mathematical: 63%
Visual/spatial: 58%
Intrapersonal: 56%
Interpersonal: 44%
Musical: 69%
Bodily/Kinisthetic: 58%
Naturalistic: 67%

I am happy with all of my results except for the maths one.  I  absolutely DO NOT like maths.  I do not mind thinking with logic and I like thinking with logic, but I just don't like maths. End of.  On the other hand, I am over the moon about my Linguistic score because that is words, and I LOVE words!

Why don't you give it a try? The explanation about the types of intelligences is below the results of your score, so just scroll down! Here is the link.  


Multiple Intelligences Quiz

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Curly Questions for Katura

Have you ever interviewed someone?

Today I finished my interview. It was actually quite interesting to find out about Katura (who I interviewed).
I cannot get my proper interview paper up, so I will copy it out.

Curly Questions Interview

 Olivia: How would you describe yourself? 
Katura: “Smart, but not cheeky smart, smart up here ( points to head ), friendly, and weird.”

Olivia: What are your hopes, beliefs, and dreams? 
Katura: “ I hope that I actually live to one hundred, I believe that my sister is an alien, and I dream that one day I will be famous.”

Olivia: What qualities would you say you possess?
Katura: “ The same as my first question.”

Olivia: What are your fears and worries, and is there a difference between them?  
 Katura:  “My fears are spiders, and I actually love snakes, and I am worried that I will not live to one hundred. And there is a difference

Olivia: Who do admire, and why?
Katura:  “My Grandma, she’s an amazing person.  She’s awesome.”

Olivia: What do you want to do later in life?
Katura: “Bungee jump. I don’t know why, I just really want to bungee jump.  Or skydive.”

Olivia: Do you have any wonderings, and if yes, what are they?
Katura:  “No, I do not have any wonderings.”

Olivia:  What do you value in a person and why?
Katura: “I value people that are trustworthy, because I don’t particularly like people who lie.”

Olivia: What do you want to do before you leave primary school?
Katura:  “Go to camp”

Olivia: Do you pretend about anything?
Katura: “NO! But I do play dress-up with my little cousin.”

Do you like it? It took two Enrich sessions to finish, and I am rather happy with the outcome. 
(And rather happy that I am finished!)

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Questions, questions and more questions!

"So, Katura, do you have any wonderings and if you do, what are they?" I asked.
"Well," Said Katura, thoughtfully.  " I do not have any wonderings, so let's move on."

Today we had to do an interview on someone that we did not know very well, and I chose Katura. 
What? You're confused? OK,  let me explain everything.  Today we were looking at open and closed questions, and we were told that we had to do an interview on someone we did not know very well. We had to come up with ten OPEN questions, and interview someone with them. I ended up with Katura, (YAY), and proceeded to ask her these questions;

1. How would you describe yourself?

2. What are you hopes, beliefs, and dreams.

3. What qualities would you say you possess?

4. What are your fears and worries, and is there any difference between them?

5. Who do you admire, and why?

6. What do you want to do later in life?

7. Do you have any wonderings, and if you do, what are they?

8.  What do you value in a person, and why?

9.  What do you want to try before you leave primary school?

10.  Do you pretend anything?

Why don't you set up your own interview?

Sunday, 23 February 2014


Hello hello hello, and welcome to my blog for this year.
Today, I am going to be writing about the Thinkers Key I did.  It is the Brainstorming key, and first we had to write down a bucket list. A bucket list is something you want to do or achieve in your life.
Here are my ideas:

I want to go to New York.
I want to be an author or a journalist.
I want to open a business: Olivia's Odds and Ends.
I want to be rich and famous.
I want to adopt a child at 15.
I want to learn to play the saxophone.

Then we had to come up with a Paradox for one. A Paradox is a sentence with two opposites.

I got this one:  Going to New York would be nerve-rackingly fun.

Blog ya later!