Sunday, 30 March 2014

A Quiz


Today we had to do a quiz to find out our Multiple Intelligences. That means we have to find out how we learn best.
My results are...

Linguistic: 83%
Logical/Mathematical: 63%
Visual/spatial: 58%
Intrapersonal: 56%
Interpersonal: 44%
Musical: 69%
Bodily/Kinisthetic: 58%
Naturalistic: 67%

I am happy with all of my results except for the maths one.  I  absolutely DO NOT like maths.  I do not mind thinking with logic and I like thinking with logic, but I just don't like maths. End of.  On the other hand, I am over the moon about my Linguistic score because that is words, and I LOVE words!

Why don't you give it a try? The explanation about the types of intelligences is below the results of your score, so just scroll down! Here is the link.  


Multiple Intelligences Quiz

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Curly Questions for Katura

Have you ever interviewed someone?

Today I finished my interview. It was actually quite interesting to find out about Katura (who I interviewed).
I cannot get my proper interview paper up, so I will copy it out.

Curly Questions Interview

 Olivia: How would you describe yourself? 
Katura: “Smart, but not cheeky smart, smart up here ( points to head ), friendly, and weird.”

Olivia: What are your hopes, beliefs, and dreams? 
Katura: “ I hope that I actually live to one hundred, I believe that my sister is an alien, and I dream that one day I will be famous.”

Olivia: What qualities would you say you possess?
Katura: “ The same as my first question.”

Olivia: What are your fears and worries, and is there a difference between them?  
 Katura:  “My fears are spiders, and I actually love snakes, and I am worried that I will not live to one hundred. And there is a difference

Olivia: Who do admire, and why?
Katura:  “My Grandma, she’s an amazing person.  She’s awesome.”

Olivia: What do you want to do later in life?
Katura: “Bungee jump. I don’t know why, I just really want to bungee jump.  Or skydive.”

Olivia: Do you have any wonderings, and if yes, what are they?
Katura:  “No, I do not have any wonderings.”

Olivia:  What do you value in a person and why?
Katura: “I value people that are trustworthy, because I don’t particularly like people who lie.”

Olivia: What do you want to do before you leave primary school?
Katura:  “Go to camp”

Olivia: Do you pretend about anything?
Katura: “NO! But I do play dress-up with my little cousin.”

Do you like it? It took two Enrich sessions to finish, and I am rather happy with the outcome. 
(And rather happy that I am finished!)

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Questions, questions and more questions!

"So, Katura, do you have any wonderings and if you do, what are they?" I asked.
"Well," Said Katura, thoughtfully.  " I do not have any wonderings, so let's move on."

Today we had to do an interview on someone that we did not know very well, and I chose Katura. 
What? You're confused? OK,  let me explain everything.  Today we were looking at open and closed questions, and we were told that we had to do an interview on someone we did not know very well. We had to come up with ten OPEN questions, and interview someone with them. I ended up with Katura, (YAY), and proceeded to ask her these questions;

1. How would you describe yourself?

2. What are you hopes, beliefs, and dreams.

3. What qualities would you say you possess?

4. What are your fears and worries, and is there any difference between them?

5. Who do you admire, and why?

6. What do you want to do later in life?

7. Do you have any wonderings, and if you do, what are they?

8.  What do you value in a person, and why?

9.  What do you want to try before you leave primary school?

10.  Do you pretend anything?

Why don't you set up your own interview?