Thursday, 7 March 2013

( Music playing)      (music stops)  Bump!  That was the sound of bums (I should say bottoms, its the polite way to say it)  hitting the floor.  You're out, said a voice.  It was Nicola. Oh stink, I said.  I was out.  As I walked over to the steps, I noticed that the other girls that were already out were standing on the highest step (which was at the back of the room) and still dancing.  So what I thought to myself, its not the end of the world. I went over and starting dancing as well to lift my spirits. 

That was Olivia on the subject of musical bumps.

See ya next week!


1 comment:

  1. Olivia, I love the sparkly headings on your posts. How did you do these? You will need to show us. I have linked Enrich to our class blogroll so that other students can read your posts.
